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Hello in this day and age where most business is conducted on line folk are turning to the web to advertise THEIR BUSINESSES. 


Do you want to get YOUR website/advert noticed? Then let me ask you something, "Would YOU take more notice of a static banner / advert or a moving more exciting one?"





In my opinion it's a no brainer


A picture is worth a thousand words. If this is true for an ordinary static picture then what about a picture that contains motion, or animation? An animation has far greater impact than an ordinary picture. It offers many more possibilities to creators/artists, enabling them to convey greater meaning to users. An animated format can also hold a lot more content which is almost impossible for a normal static image.


There are a lot of image file formats but only three are popular and widely used on the web. These are JPG,PNG and GIF formats. Among these three formats, GIF is the only file type that supports animation.

A GIF file can contain a single image, but to animate an image it will need at least two or more images/frames combined, which can then be displayed for a few milliseconds successively and called as GIF animation.

A GIF animator program makes this process much easier. It usually takes only three easy steps, choosing a couple of images, putting them in desired sequence and setting frame rate, looping and other settings. The result is combined into one GIF animation file.



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